Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's the origin of the name Fourth House?

    The name consists of three influences. Biblically the number 4 directly relates to the creative ability of God. In astrology, the fourth house symbolizes home and family. And finally, production companies are sometimes known as “Houses“.

  • Who makes up Fourth House?

    Simeon Jenkins, also known as TRMNDS, and Yoshua Israel are the driving force behind the company. After a decade of friendship between the two, business ventures were the natural next step. However, they’re not alone as it takes a solid team to bring to fruition what they’re aiming for.

  • What services does Fourth House provide?

    We provide a host of services from, video production, editing of footage, merchandise development consultation, artist mgmt consultation, marketing strategies, just to name a few.

  • Can we expect any music out of Fourth House since you're a production house?

    Absolutely, TRMNDS isn’t done putting out music. But everything has to be done correctly and rolled out in a way to makes sense for his fan base and him.

  • When does the merch come out?

    We’ve been working quietly on some things and we’re proud to announce that we have released our first pieces of brand merchandise on April 4th of 2022.

  • What can we look forward to from Fourth House?

    Partnerships with fellow creatives that result in beautiful yet influential content that fall within one of the four methods of storytelling: Oral, Visual, Written, and Digital.